An Invitation - Matthew 11:28-30
Psalm 119:143 “As pressure and stress bear down on me, I find joy in your commands”. When reading the Bible, there you find God’s Presence. There is such a thing as “joy” in your heart, when you allow God to speak to you, when you “enjoy” the moment, reading the Bible. At the same time, you are being “refreshed” - like having a cold drink after a long workout. Proverbs 25:25 “Like a cool drink of water when you're worn out and weary” Are you tired? anxious? angry? depressed? lonely? Try unwinding and relaxing by reading the Bible. A great starting place could be in Proverbs. Here you begin to get understanding of who God is. Another place, where you can begin would be in John. Here you read about who Jesus is. Remember that a good way to relax is to turn on “worship” music. This type of music is uplifting to your soul. Your soul needs to be refreshed and watered, just as your body needs rest and food. Challenge 4 you: Try “turning off” the things of this world, and enjoy finding