A Changed Heart

Please allow this sweet melody to minister to your heart. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g6fheuBf0Pk Do you remember the story of Naaman and how the Lord healded him from his leprosy in the book of 2 Kings 5:1-19? The story ministered to me in the way of “ watching as God calls forth those that are hurting” . I will do my best to walk you through my mind’s understanding of this exciting story. I pray that you enjoy this read. Naaman means “pleasantness” NAAMAN A successful Syrian general, high in the confidence and esteem of the king of Syria, and honored by his fellow-countrymen as their deliverer, who was afflicted with leprosy. Upon hearing from a Hebrew slave-maid in his household of the wonder-working powers of an Israelite prophet (Elisha), he set off to find this prophet. He at first haughtily resented the humiliation and declined the cure, but had a change of heart as his servants pleaded with him to go out and see about this healing. Let’s read together ...