The Cross and Discipline

Needing to finish writing this study has been difficult, and to be completely honest, I did not realize the profound affect it would create in your spirit when learning about the Cross. The experience has blessed and taught me that the Cross will not be embraced by everyone and that it has to be a personal choice one must make. Picking up your cross to follow Jesus requires obedience, submission and a desire in your heart. These are struggles that every Christian will face. Take a moment to listen to the words of this song and meditate upon them. How did it speak to you? What are your thoughts? Discipline is teaching to do the right thing for the right reason . God wants to save us from ourselves because He loves us. When we are going in the wrong direction or doing things contrary to what God asks, He will discipline His children. Why does God discipline His people? Proverbs 3:11-12 “My son does...