
Showing posts from January, 2019

Aging Gracefully

Noticing the networks are producing more aging sitcoms for the 60+ person with interesting topics and lots of humor. I find that flattering! So with that idea, let’s use this blog to share with this age group how to stay current and upbeat in a world that is constantly changing. 1.  Let’s try adapting to change . Try finding your comfort zone and then begin to explore a change that you can make. It must be a small change so that we can still feel comfortable and in control of what we are trying to do. A good example would be; try to change something such as a style of clothing that you wear. For me, it was going from Levi’s (which I love with tennis shoes) to skinny jeans (still using the Levi material). I really enjoy this style because it is both comfortable and chic. So many ways to dress this style down or up. 2. Another suggestion would be to try a new after shave, cologne, perfume or fragrance. This can be fun & simple. Have fun with this change. ...

Calvary Chapel Cornerstone Bible Conference

I would like to share this free conference info with you. It will be on Saturday, March 23 @ 9-3:30. It will include an question & answer session (see the agenda) and I believe that it will inspire us to know more about the Bible so that we may give a sound response to our friends & loved ones about how we got the Bible, why it's reliable & without error, etc. Pray about joining us and bring a friend! K  Love you, Lydia