The psalmist David beautifully penned the picture of how we feel when we are afraid. First, we realize that we are afraid and then the Holy Spirit speaks tenderly God's Holy Word to your spirit and you're comforted. Secondly, we are strengthen by God's Word. Now by faith we walk with God knowing that all things are in His hands and He will work out all things for your good. Thirdly, we rest on God's promises! Aww, we come to the fresh living water and sit as we wait with expectation for God to work His perfect plan. So, the reality is that there is no reason to be afraid. Fear can paralyze. When we focus on our fears instead of on God, we become helpless. But when we trust God to help us, we then can face our fears. The Lord is my light and my salvation so why should I be afraid? The Lord is my fortress, protecting me from danger, so why should I tremble? when my enemies and foes attack me, ...