Lost Again

A song for all hearts to rejoice in https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mBcqria2wmg How did I get so far off the path? How quickly I have lost my way. I am consumed by busyness. I have no peace and my mind does not stop. These thoughts have consumed my time and my peace. I can not stop and be still. I am like a madman searching but not finding, a nd not sure what to do. Where are my quiet times? Where is my God? I run to church and there I sit Wondering what went wrong? At last, I found what I have been looking for. The quietness of soul as I sit in His Presence. Oh, to be renewed by His Word. and Refreshed by His Love. What has your attention? What distracts you from being free? What holds your heart captive? Search me O Lord and reveal that which causes me to stray. For there is nothing that can separate me from Your love, But there are many distractions that causes me to fall away. May I remain simple and true ...