
Have you been through the Empty Nest Experience? The days are quickly approaching and very soon my youngest child will be moving out to explore the world. I am not sure how I am feeling these days. Just last month my eldest moved out and the hard reality hit me. I felt numb. Didn’t know how to feel. Was happy to see the day when they would want to go out and fly on their own, yet, I am not sure about the idea of entering new uncharted territory. I have been so blessed, to have such a great relationship with both of my children, and the awesome opportunity to have been able to live together as a family for this long. They both are way into their late twenties and thirties. For those of you, that have not gone through the experience of watching your child make the decision to leave home and spring out into the world on their own, please know that this is what you are raising them up to do! T...