The Cross Contrary to Nature
Sharing a story that Charles Spurgeon once used to tell of a simple countryman who took his gun to the gunsmith for repairs. After examining it, the gunsmith said, “Your gun is in a very worn-out, ruinous, good-for-nothing condition. What sort of repairs do you want?” “Well”, said the countryman, I see that I can do with a new stock, lock and barrel. That ought to set it up again.” “Why”, asked the gunsmith, “you are better off getting a new gun altogether”. “Ah, I never thought of that. I just want a new stock, lock and barrel. That about equals a new gun and that’s what I’ll have”. The poor countryman was simple yet sensible in his observation. This is how we must come to the Cross – simple and sensible to God’s ways. From the beginning the work of the Cross was God’s plan to make us new in Christ. So, let’s look at scriptures to understand how God uses the Cross. 2 Corinthians 5:17 “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old t...