Today I am struggling with being "perfect". Please let me explain. I just realized how much I beat myself down for making mistakes. I am my own worst enemy. In making mistakes, I feel I've let someone down and a small voice will ask, “how did I make such a mistake”? I struggle with this every time as I try to understand how I made the mistake & then “how can I correct myself so I don’t make the same mistake again”? Today as I was having my pity party, a light came on and just like that as I wondered where did I get the insane idea that I needed to be perfect? All of a sudden I had a flashback to when I was a kid & I always wanted to be perfect to my parents, at school and even around others. Until now, I’ve always had this strange, crazy & wild idea that I needed to be perfect and nothing less would be acceptable to me. A light turned on and I realized that God’s Word would set me free from this burden of feeling that I am perfect AND that I need to b...