Today I am struggling with being "perfect". Please let me explain. I just realized how much I beat myself down for making mistakes. I am my own worst enemy.
In making mistakes, I feel I've let someone down and a small voice will ask, “how did I make such a mistake”? I struggle with this every time as I try to understand how I made the mistake & then “how can I correct myself so I don’t make the same mistake again”?

Today as I was having my pity party, a light came on and just like that as I wondered where did I get the insane idea that I needed to be perfect?

All of a sudden I had a flashback to when I was a kid & I always wanted to be perfect to my parents, at school and even around others.

Until now, I’ve always had this strange, crazy & wild idea that I needed to be perfect and nothing less would be acceptable to me.

A light turned on and I realized that God’s Word would set me free from this burden of feeling that I am perfect AND that I need to be perfect! At that moment I was set free! God's Word is a chain breaker because it tells me that I am not perfect! As I received this revelation I realized that I’ve lived with this lie for so long and allowed it to keep me in bondage.

I bowed my head & asked the Lord for the courage to admit to myself that I am not perfect and just like that I felt lighter, freer and yes "set free" from this lie from hell.

I thank God that He also revealed that since I can remember; I’ve always tried hard to please others. It has been such a heartbreaking experience to carry this burden & always falling short.

Today I thank God that I can stand on His promise, that who the Son sets free is free indeed!

I’m asking the Lord to give me wisdom and the courage to accept the truth that I’m not perfect and that it’s OK, because that’s how I will learn in deeper ways the amazing work & gift of God called GRACE.

Do you struggle with ideas that you are perfect? It's okay to admit it and surrender it to God. He desires for His children to walk freely in the Spirit of Truth and will loosen the heaviness and confusion that this lie and many others  cause. Let us humble ourselves before God and ask Him to teach us the way to humbly walk before Him.

Luke 4:18
"The Spirit of the LORD is upon me, for He has anointed me to bring Good News to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim that captives will be released, that the blind will see and that the oppressed will be set free"


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