WORD 4 TODAY - “Set Apart”

In modern language, "holy" often means something religious or spiritual. But in the Bible, “holy” simply means “set apart.” It means something (or someone) different and distinct from everything else. God is unlike any other gods the nations knew. The Lord is holy and called His people to be distinct—or holy—too. Some of the distinctions that set the Israelite practices apart were religious and spiritual. They offered sacrifices in a certain way and had specific instructions for how priests, worship, and the temple operation. Other practices that set Israel apart involved everyday things, like food, clothing, and their weekly calendars. These habits and customs were meant to reflect and reinforce that they were truly different—or holy—because they belonged to God. The fourth commandment given to Israel is to "remember the Sabbath day" and keep it holy. A reminder to Israel of the blessed pattern God laid out in Creation. Just as our Holy ...