Body Spirit and Soul

Job Leon:
Hello to all. I am learning this new tech called "Blog" and would be interested to know if you would like to follow this blog as we share ideas about living healthier lives?
Here is some insight. Please feel free to share your thoughts on what more we can do to help us grow older "gracefully".


  1. We touched on the SPIRIT in our journey in the book of Refiner's Fire. Let's now take a look at the Body.
    The Word reminders us that to be absent from the Body is to be present with the LORD. Well, we are not there just yet. So let's talk about some of the things that we can do to help us with our tents. Here are some of my ideas...
    1) STRETCHING - can really help your body and your mind. As we are getting older our bodies require more time to "warm up". Consider allowing yourself 20 extra minutes to bend over and touch your toes, stretch a little and give to lie on the floor and let your body and mind get into sync.
    2) VITAMINS - One of the key issues which I find with myself is that I am not consistent about taking my daily vitamins. I'll take them and it helps me tremendously. I feel as if I have more energy and I begin to feel great! Then I stop taking my vitamins...either because I'm too busy, I'm running late or I'll tell myself that I will take them later.... Guess what? I don't remember to take them until I'm out of gas and my body is worn down.
    3) What About Your Own MASSAGE - This is a great idea for your feet. Take about 5 to 10 minutes to wash your feet, put some oil/cream on and just begin to massage your feet. It works wonders by relieving stress and it makes your feet feel so good....
    TIP.. Ask your spouse if you can massage their feet. It would be a great blessing for them to be able to release some stress and you both can spend some good old fashion quality time together!
    TIP... Try to Massage areas such as the back of your legs, shoulders, neck and yes even the head. So many times we are sitting in the same position for a long stretch of time that we do not realize the effect it has on our hands, shoulders, neck or back.
    Try using a lightweight towel to massage those tight areas and gently work out any soreness, tightness or knots that you may feel. Try Using oil or cream on your hands that will help to give a softer rub.
    I prefer using the T shirt that I have on because it feels better on the body than just using my hands. Try it and see what you prefer.
    Feel free to share your thoughts.


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