Remember as a child when you spent a lot of time and energy on daydreaming about some of the things you wanted to do when you grew up? Perhaps you thought about what type of work you wanted to do... or what kind of car you were going to get.....what you were going to do after high school....or how many children you wanted to have?

What a wonderful time we had as children daydreaming and talking to our best friends about our dreams. Remember those good ole days?

Now as I am reaching those "golden years", I think about those dreams.  Actually, some have been fulfilled....Like running a marathon......writing......marriage & children......career (becoming a secretary it was cool back then.

But I still have other dreams that I would like to run after -Yes, even in these golden years!
How about going cross country in my VW?  Or going to Wyoming to see if the "Marlboro Man" is still alive....What are some of your dreams that you would like to chase?

Let's not forget those wonderful times we had of daydreaming and reaching for the stars!
But rather, let's plan to run after some of those dreams that are still obtainable…Get out there and Let's Live Life!


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