Why are the heavens so silent?
Why do I not feel your Presence nearby?

I remembered our conversations and our laughs,
as we walked together in the cool of the day.

I remembered the joy of being in Your Presence.
The awe of being with the “lover of my soul”.

We would talk for what seems like hours,
And my fears were quieted with Your love.

I did not worry about tomorrow because
 As long as I was with you,
I was strengthen, loved and protected.

Oh, how I miss You! Where did you go?
What happened? Did I not follow closely?

I long for Your song in my heart and Your Presence.
I look for You from house to house, but I do not find You.

So I returned to our “secret place.”
And there with songs of tongues,
I poured out to You, all of me
as I released my heart to You.

Oh, how beautiful our fellowship is.
I had not been in this place with you in such a very long time.

How wonderful it is to have our hearts together
united by Your Presence, Your love and Your Spirit.

Abba, “Daddy.” Please forgive me for being away.
I now see that this is what You desire and long for from me!

Abba, Remember Me, as I return to “our secret place.”

                                                            Santa Ana, California 


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