Praying Temple - Chapter 3

As I was jogging, I began praying for some requests that I had received. I normally pray while jogging because that is my quiet time with the Lord of all creation and I enjoy allowing my body & mind to take in the outdoors.

But something was different on this day, my mind was on specific prayer requests, so I began talking to God about those requests, then continued praying for our January prayer requests for our country’s leadership, the upcoming Presidential election, worldwide Christian persecution and finally for myself.

Before I knew it I had passed “poop out” (a really tough incline) and “switchback” (which is several short inclines) and I was now facing my last incline. Without even thinking about it I had ran my normal course (about 30 minutes) and was now facing the last incline before heading down hill to my car. 

Note to self:  I realized that “Prayer” helped me not to focus so much on myself.

My time spent praying and communing with God was amazing as it left me in a state of awe being in His Presence. Oh how wonderful “prayer” can be when I let go and just get into it.

Your prayer temple should be a quiet place without distractions or time limit. A place where you can put your mind on God and forget about everything else. Prayer is a time to tell God how you feel and what concerns you.

Note to self:  Allow yourself the opportunity to not just say a prayer, but GET into prayer.

It will bless you as you experience the feeling of being in one mind with the Creator of this universe! Time will quickly pass and you will be refreshed.

Secret:  it’s a taste of heaven here on earth!

On this day, my praying temple was not a closet or on the bathroom floor, but it was outdoors in the midst of God’s beauty and creation. Some others times my praying temple has been under a full moonlight or in the stillness of my kitchen while cooking.

Let us learn to go deeper into prayer and allow prayer to come natural to us wherever we may be. Try it the next time you need to 


  1. So true Lydia. .that is why I hike the Lord always meets me while I'm hiking. Thank you for the encouragement.

  2. Please help us to specifically pray for this request..
    Prayer request for Jacob Carreon. May his heart be softened to our King Jesus. May he be protected and use Godly wisdom from bad influences in his circle of friends. Oh Lord Jesus may you bring him rooted friends into his life and remove the ones who are not helping him mature into a young Godly man, we pray in the powerful name of Jesus Christ who has won this battle at the cross for this child. amen

  3. Please help us to pray for the country of Nigeria. This is a dark place filled with wickedness, persecution and greed. Its one of the countries that hates Christianity. We have Pastor Blessing who will be traveling there in March. Please pray now for a plentiful harvest, God's protection and for the tearing down of satan's strongholds upon this country. In Jesus name we will pray. Amen

  4. Please pray for Fraternidad Ramos. She is in the hospital with sepis and awaiting lab results. Let's pray for complete healing. Thank you


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