A Stranger - Chapter 5

At the Well, I daily encounter all sorts of strangers. One special stranger whom I have watched come daily to The Well is a very fragile elderly woman.

Her eyes are full of life, but her body contradicts that picture.

Her words are slow and soft, yet very kind.

Her hands are spotted and weak, but she shows kindness to other elderly women by offering them her own strength.

She begins to talk with them and makes them smile.

Her thoughtfulness towards them gently reassures them.

She reaches out her hand and her touch brings them comfort.

She offers them a bond of trust and friendship.

Here At the Well, I learned a simple truth. This lovely stranger has so much compassion, patience and love for those who have long been forgotten.

With her childlike behavior she reminds me that we need to care for one another and to slow down and learn from the elderly. They have so much that they can teach an open heart! The next time you come across an elderly person, think about this and gain some insight about life.

·        Their slow pace is adequate and healthy.

·        Their simple thoughts can be words of wisdom.

·        The simplicity of their diet, habits and attention to themselves, allows us to see what really is important.

·        Becoming forgetful with aging is natural, but forgetting to be kind one to another is not acceptable.

·        Their grace and elegance is true beauty!

May you look upon the elderly through God’s eyes and open your arms to embrace all that they have to offer.

The Godly will flourish like palm trees and grow strong like the cedars of Lebanon. For they are transplanted into the Lord’s own house. They flourish in the courts of our God. Even in old age they will still produce fruit, and they will remain vital and green.   Psalm 92: 12-14  


  1. I totally agree with you, that's why i take that extra time to spend it with my grandma and grandpa. I believe they see what I can't. They advice me, and I listen. It's been a couple of years now that I just enjoy having conversations with the elderly. I love listening to their stories and their words of wisdom.

    1. Thank you for sharing. Yes, I hope that many will heed to your words of wisdom and make time to learn from our elderly.
      Thanks and have a blessed day.


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