February Prayer Requests - Psalm 66:19

Thank you all that are fasting and praying with us during the week. Let's remain strong on our commitment as we wait on the Lord to do great and mighty things through prayers in 2016.

If you have a request that you would like prayer for, please email me at jobbaleon@aol.com.

Please let's pray for these requests:

Healing - Mr Aceces who learned that he has skin cancer ( husband of Maria aceces our SM child care overseer), Rene Grano (kidney failure), Gina's father's (Brain surgery), Barbara (recovery) , Tiffany (recovery), Maria (cancer), Kazen (4 year old)
May God comfort  those who are ill, having surgery, in the hospital, or waiting on test results. May God's hand be in all the decisions being made by family / doctors.

Deliverance for many of our friends and family who are in need of having chains broken in their lives.

Plans - We make plans but we ask for God's direction and His blessings in those plans.

Travel - May God grant us His safety and protection as He watches over us as we come in and go out.

Justice - We know that God is fair and honest. Vengeance is His.

Employment - Emilio, for job opportunities to be opened to those in need of work.

Pray for the hearts of those who are broken, lonely and forgotten.

Let's pray for those hard and rebellious hearts that have closed their hearts to God

Please pray for marriages and restoration. So many marriages are falling into Satan's trap & lies.

Continue to pray for our prodigals (spouses / children / friends / family)

But certainly God has heard me, 
He has attended to the voice of my prayer.
     Psalm 66:19


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