God Has Left Me - Chapter 8


Have you ever experienced times when you felt alone and questioned if God is with you? Keep these verses close to your heart during these storms in your life. 

"For we walk by faith, not by sight.
                                           2 Corinthians 5:7

"A man that hath friends must shew himself friendly:
and there is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother."
                                                                        Proverbs 18:24

This morning I found this lady crying At The Well. I had seen her there before and did not need to know her name to see that her spirit has been crushed and her heart broken. I had not seen her two children and I thought that maybe one of them was ill, so as I drew closer to her, I asked about them. She looked up with tears running down her cheeks and explains that our judicial court system has given full custody of her children to their Dad. She has lost all hope, all trust and faith. “God has left me” she says, as she tries to tell me about the events that took place in the last two dark days of her life.  

My heart hurts. I can feel the tears building up inside of me and I can feel her heartache and her broken heart. I have no words. I have no sound reason in my head. All I can do is kneel down and cry with her as she tells me her story.
She begins with the heartache and torment of having to fill their suitcases with their clothes, shoes and pajamas; trying to pick out their favorite toys that will comfort them at their new home.
Now she looks at me as she replays in her mind the moment when she cried out to God to give her the courage and the strength that she needed to explain to her children that she will see them on weekends.
What do I say and Lord, how can I comfort this woman? All I can do is hug her and let her tears fill bottles and bottles in Heaven. I have no words.
Time goes by. She has no more tears for now. I sit quietly and I begin to talk to God. I find my words and say out loud ‘God, come let us reason together!”
And now the words and tears begin to flow as we cry out to God and remind Him that we need Him. Lord, may you bring comfort, hope, understanding and healing to her and the children. Lord, may you strengthen her as she gives to you this sacrifice.
I begin to hear her speaking soft words as she begins to talk with God saying, “Father, I need Your Strength to carry me through this. I need Your Presence now more than ever before to remind me that I am not alone!
I need Your Peace now in my heart that will comfort me and I need Your Love now to hold me and help me to get through this difficult time.

I need Your Joy to fill me with Hope so that I can believe that You are with me, working things out for my good!”

With each word of faith that she speaks, I feel her becoming stronger. Her words are a little louder and her fears are becoming quiet. We sit still for a while without any words, just holding hands.

Note to Self:
For the single Dad and the single Mom there are no winners and there are no sides! 
And as devastating as your heartache is …. Let us remember the children.
“Therefore, anyone who becomes as humble as this little child
  is the greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven.”
                                                          Matthew 18:4


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