A Perfect State - Chapter 13
Have you ever wondered what Adam did during the day while in the Garden of Eden? How were his days spent? Adam had the blessing of talking and playing with God’s precious creatures while God took care of watching over them. This place was God’s perfect state given to man and all of His creation.
Imagine the variety of animals! Big ones, small ones, insects,
birds and Adam knew all of them because it was Adam who named them. How amazing
that there could be a place where everyone could enjoy each other and got
along. There wasn’t any envy or jealousy, no fear between Adam and the animals.
Everything was so unimaginably perfect.
Let’s close our eyes for a moment and let’s imagine God’s Love and
beauty and how it was reflected in this perfect paradise through all His
wonderful creations that He created for His
good pleasure. What do you see?
Can you envision the animals coming over to sit and eat with Adam?
We know that it was Adam who named every animal (Genesis 2:20) and Eve enjoyed the company and fellowship
of these beautiful creatures. There was no language barrier between them.
Can you see how Adam and Eve got along with one another and the
animals got along with one another? Can you see just how perfect and good God’s
love is towards His creation, that everything He made was good? What a perfect state God provided.
God enjoyed having all His creation in perfect harmony and
trusting Him (just like we do as parents). After seeing that everything He made
was good, God’s perfect state was given over to Adam’s authority to enjoy and
God blessed Adam. God’s plan for mankind was good and He desired to provide
everything that would be needed in this perfect state. His children were
strong, healthy and happy. His relationship with them was so awesome that the
Bible tells us that even God himself, would walk and talk with Adam in the cool
of the evening.
Everything was perfect and good.
Oh how I envy Adam and Eve because they saw and lived in God’s perfect state.
Sadly, today we can not comprehend such sweet harmony because in our world we just can’t get
along, not even families can get along with one another.
Oh, how far we have fallen!
Because of man’s choice to do what he thought was right in his own
eyes and his disobedience towards God’s instructions there at the Garden, we
now understand what happens when man chooses not to obey God. The door has been
opened to SIN. Lies,
death, murders, wars, hatred, diseases, famine, greed and the list goes on and
on. Sadly, it will continue to get worse.
And because of sin, all of us need a new heart. Just look around your private world and you will see just how
much sin has abounded (increased greatly), but so has the grace of God towards
all men. God’s Word tells us
so. Let’s look at a few scriptures to understand God’s grace, His plan towards
us and His love.
Romans 5:18-20 NLT
"Yes Adam's one sin brought condemnation upon everyone, but
Christ's one act of righteousness makes all people right in God's sight and
gives then life. Because one person disobeyed God, many people became sinners.
But because one person obeyed God, many people will be made right in God's
sight. God's law (The Word, The Bible) was given so that all people could
see how sinful they were. But as people sinned more and more, God's wonderful
kindness became more abundant."
Proverbs 3:7 NLT
"Don’t be impressed with your own wisdom.
Instead, fear the LORD and turn your back on evil.
Then you will gain renewed health and vitality.
Ezekiel 11:18-20 NLT
"When the people return to their homeland, they will remove
every trace of their detestable idol worship, and I will give them singleness
of heart and put a new spirit within them. I will take away their hearts of
stone and give them tender hearts instead, so they will obey my laws. Then they will truly be my people and I
will be their God.
2 Corinthians 5:7 NLT
"What this means is that those who become Christians become
new persons. They are not the same anymore, for the old life is gone, a new
life has begun!"
Given the world stage as it is today, can you now see why Jesus
had to come down to earth for the sins of this world? Do you see the need for a
savior that can bring peace to your heart and mind, healing for the
brokenhearted, love towards one another and most importance forgiveness?
There is A
Perfect State for us today.
In the midst of all the world’s chaos, you can find peace and you can find love
within your heart, when you decide to surrender to God. When you come to the
place where you are tired of running, tired of fighting, tired of the
heartache, tired of the madness and are ready for a change of heart, then you
come and surrender it all to the One who has already laid down His life so that
you can live yours, in the manner in which God intended you to live from the
beginning of time.
God has given us His Promise through His Word that should increase
your Faith, give you Hope and encourage every heart to return to Him.
Psalm 34:8 NLT
"Come taste and see that the Lord is
Oh, the joys of those who trusts in
Romans 5:8–11 NLT
“But God showed His great love for us by sending Christ to die for
us while we were still sinners. And since we have been made right in God’s
sight by the blood of Christ, He will certainly save us from God’s judgment.
For since we were restored to friendship with God by the death of
His Son while we were still His enemies, we will certainly be delivered from
eternal punishment by His life. So now we can rejoice in our wonderful new
relationship with God – all because of what our Lord Jesus Christ has done
for us in making us friends of God.
Now, that’s the Word of God. You can take that promise and know
that there is a new way, a new hope and a new life for you. God is not a man
that He should lie and God never fails.
Let's answer Irma's questions as to "will the madness ever
end?" Yes when the child is ready to accept a new heart. Her other
question "how do you make peace when its one of your own? You who have
faith in God and believe must exercise that faith! Patiently pray for the
return of that child. Read the scriptures over and over until you can see and
believe that God's love and grace has never changed. God is still waiting on
His children to come to Him, He has not given up on them for over 2,000 plus
years. Therefore, we too will not give up on our own. We believe
what God said He will do, and we trust Him to do it in His own time and
in His own way.
So what say Ye?
YEs, I trust that God will come forward with what He said He would do. I know that in the world we are living now, we see so much destruction, so much abuse, so many divorces, so much anger, so much hate, etc.......and yes we tend to question why? But as believers we need to stand firm on that faith, stand firm on God's promises, stand firm on His love and mercy. We only get the goodness and peace from Him. This weekend I saw the movie "The Miracles from Heaven" and that movie just had me tearing, but it showed that God's plans are so much greater than ours. God's love is so much greater than anything, He waits on us so patiently and with open arms. We need to not let go and keep on trusting in Him.
ReplyDeleteAmen..thank You Lord for your FAITHFULNESS....THE PERFECT LOVE ONLY YOU CAN GIVE TO US.... forgive me when I don't trust in you Lordπ