April Prayer Request

May God continue to hear the voices of our prayers as we continue to seek Him for our families, our country, the church, our Christians brothers and sisters worldwide and for our prayer requests.
Today I was reminded to sound the trumpet call to All Christians. We must wake up & arise from our slumber and our comfortable state and begin to pray N fast.
Our weapon of prayer is a powerful tool that we must constantly use. Prayer changes things, people and events and it will even move the heart of God.

It is time that "If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves and PRAY and SEEK My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land." 2 Chronicles 7:14. 

"Then the kingdom of heaven shall be likened to 10 virgins who took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom. Now 5 of them were wise and 5 were foolish. Those who were foolish took their lamps and took no oil with the, but the wise took oil in their vessels with their lamps. But while the bridegroom delayed they all slumbered and slept." Matthew 25:1-5 

Note to self: Is the Holy Spirit within our lives moving us to more prayer?

Watch and pray lest you enter into temptation. The spirit indeed is willing but the flesh is weak."

Please pray:
Torres Family - The loss of their infant grandson. May God's grace and peace cover them during this dark hour. May their hearts and minds be strengthen and comforted by our Father of Lights and may He embrace the entire Torres family with His love.

Those with illnesses - Letty and Diane (breast lump), Steve, Johnny, Katrina (cancer), Renee B and Renne G, and Kazen (complete healing)

Those who are mourning - Diane & her father, Crystal,. Michelle, Dominique & Marcie

Salvation - Jeanette, our Prodigals, Janette, Aaron, Michelle

Michelle Mora - Her and her newborn due in October. For God's precious Presence to be with them through this journey and for a healthy and strong delivery for Michelle & baby.
Also please pray for her upcoming book which the Lord has placed upon her heart for Moms who have lost a child. Powerful and anointed.

April Prayer Requests -
 For all who labor
 For All Church Leaders
 For All Pastors
 For All Church Servants

Persecuted Christians Worldwide - May their testimony for the Living God be a witness to us and to their enemies. May Christians be ready and have the oil for their lamp overflowing. We need to get ready for the time is at hand.

Note; Here is a list of the top 50 countries worldwide that are currently persecuting Christians because of their faith. Please pray for those Christians living within their borders and may we be awaken to just how close the hour is.

1.     North Korea    2.     Iraq   3.     Eritrea      4.     Afghanistan    5.     Syria      6.     Pakistan
      7.     Somalia      8.     Sudan      9.     Iran      10. Libya      11. Yemen      12. Nigeria   
      13. Maldives  14. Saudi Arabia  15. Uzbekistan   16. Kenya    17. India    18. Ethiopia   
      19. Turkmenistan   20. tQatar    21. Egypt   22. Myanmar   23. Palestinian Territories   
      24. Brunei    25. Vietnam  26. Central African Republic   27. Jordan   28. Djibouti   
      29. Laos   30. Malaysia   31. Tajikistan   32. Tunisia   33. China   34. Azerbaijan   
      35. Bangladesh   36. Tanzania   37. Algeria   38. Bhutan   39. Comoros   40. Mexico   
      41. Kuwait   42. Kazakhstan   43. Indonesia   44. Mali   45. Turkey   46. Colombia   
      47. United Arab Emirates  48. Bahrain   49. Niger   50. Oman


  1. Hi Lydia praying ....Thank you For posting the request regarding Torres Family....they are mourning deeply. Many people were touched by this tragic situation so they set up a go fund me account. Last I checked $40,000 was donated to cover funeral expenses n the rest will go to children who are abused.....although $ can not bring precious Aiden back...n heal the pain of the parents n family it will at least ease the worry of paying for funeral. Jessica Torres is the Mother in mourning. Thank you again. Love you.


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