My Buddy, My Pal and My Friend

This is dedicated to all the dog lovers. I never truly understood the bond between a dog and a person until just a few years ago. Previously my experience with dogs was your typical family animal that the kids wanted. It began with a goldfish, hamster then a cat or dog.
As a teenager I lived with a Jewish family who were fond of poodles. Our foster Mom had three (3) poodles. Two were older and the princess was a young spoiled brat named “Midget.” These 3 dogs slept with them and they were treated like humans, especially Midget. She would pranced around like the queen of the hill and of course she was Mom’s favorite. The dogs were so pampered with special grooming, food and special treatment.
Not used to owning a dog I found Mom’s behavior and love towards them as totally “weird”. I used to think that she was an old lonely soul that paid more attention to her dogs than she did to her husband (teenage thinking)\, of course this was not true.
Over the years I often thought of Mom and her love for those dogs, especially when I would see the same behavior of love and care towards one’s dog. Again, I had the strange notion that these people just missed having children and grandchildren, so they make up for it by having dogs.
Well, life has now come full circle for me. All those crazy ideas I had about humans and dogs are not so crazy after all. Over the last five (5) years I have become so fond of my dogs, and they are not just my “dogs” they are my family! Yes, I treat them like one of my own kids!
What I once mocked and laughed at, has become my routine and behavior. I truly understand the acceptance, loyalty and friendship of these precious animals. They love me unconditional even after I discipline them, they don’t talk back and they really want me by them always. The saying is true, that a man’s best friend is his dog and they are so cute!
For all our loved dogs that have gone on before us, remember that they too are waiting for us in Heaven. How precious it has been to be loved by them. Truly another blessing from above!

Well, I must admit, I have become just like Mom with her spoiled brat.


  1. Awwwww so cute Thanks for sharing! My niece has a dog that my daughter n I love her name is chiquies. Short for chiquita šŸ•šŸ¶n Yes they are so lovable


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