Our Open Letter

I want to share with you a heartbreak that we all must endure. Its titled "My Open Letter". 

This is my letter to my beloved letting him know that he had been an example to me and I will always love him for it. He has taught me to keep my faith and run the race.

It’s been some time now that you left us and it really does hurt. I miss you so much, but I rejoice in knowing that you have ran your race and reached the finish line, and I’m so proud of you!
You have finished your own marathon and you finished well. It was a tough race and you staggered and at times you stopped along the wayside, but you got up and continued the race to the end.
Now all the rewards of the race are yours to enjoy. You can soon share with us about your strategy and how you overcame the many obstacles that were in your path.
In your own special way you can tell us the story of triumph and of pain. How at times you gave up and how you found the strength to get up and continue even when you were tired. But you never quit!
Tell us about the friends that you helped and encouraged along the way. Tell us how you overcame the elements of time, life, pain and joy during your race.
All this and more is what I look forward to hearing about when I too finish my race. Oh, how many stories we will have to tell each other!
For now, my story is that I miss you very much and that I too will finish this race. I love you … and I always did.
I rejoice that you are in a place where there are no tears, no pain and no sorrow. You deserve this, so enjoy yourself and be happy and be free.
I will remember you always as “my hero” because you defeated the enemy, and now you are rejoicing and dancing in Glory. A place I long to see. My hope is that I too will finish well with dignity and friends as you did.
I miss you, but I now understand that this is what life is all about… We must run to finish!
Thank you for showing me how to get up when I’m too weary. To get back on track when I’m stuck along the wayside and not to ever quit. I watched your race and I too want to receive the rewards from Heaven.
Thank you for taking the lead and giving me the desire to finish. I will do my best.

Love you … I always will.
A time to weep,
And a time to laugh;
A time to mourn,
And a time to dance
                                                                   Ecclesiastes 3:4



  1. Thank you for sharing such truth in the seasons of life.

  2. A beautiful letter of precious memories of trials & truth.
    May they never fade away, always keep them treasured in your heart always - Michelle

  3. beautiful picture, beautiful words..... I just enjoy reading all your writings. May you be blessed to do many more thank you! I am blessed to have you in my life.
    Your niece Susie


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