From The Inside Out

I crossed path with a friend that I had met some time ago, but I did not easily recognize him. His attitude was light and fun, his point of view was positive, his looks had drastically changed and he seemed so happy. 

What a contrast to when we first met. He was angry, his attitude was hard, his words were cold, his countenance was dark and his outlook about anything was negative. 

He was broken! 

What a dark time it’s been. But how do you begin to crawl out from that dark place? Very difficult just to get up every morning for life. Trying to pick up the pieces and trying to remain focus and functional is impossible. He has forgotten how to put one foot in front of the other.  He just wants to hide from life? 

His heart’s desire is to run away from all this pain of reality. The darkness is closing in, so he will just shut his eyes and fall asleep.
There’s no hunger. He doesn’t want to get up. He doesn’t want to talk with anyone. He has no more tears to cry. He is struggling with being alive and just wants to remain numb and not have to feel anything. 

The sun comes up and the world begins to rush around, the children are up and hustling to get ready. The sound of traffic is everywhere.
He writes a note to self about his thoughts and feelings as he tries to reason with himself. 

“Ok to cry for my heart has been broken …along with it .. my dreams.
I will be stronger from this ….  I will also be more cautious ... Can this be good?
I hope to trust again ..  I hope to live again .. I hope to be whole again ....
Time heals all things .. Sometimes, time seems to be on its own time zone … moving along way too slow… 

Then one day life is awaken from within him as he begins to lean on others for help.  He learns how to live again and is stronger and in a better place than ever before! He has survived, hooray! 

He writes a note to self, but this time its with joy and a clear understanding of where he was and where he is going … 

“Friendship is having a person with whom you are not afraid to open your heart to .. nor afraid to allow them to teach you something different, something new. 

A Friend is that one with whom you can share total openness without any fear and you allow them to see right through you … and they still like you. 

Then He who sat on the throne said, “Behold, I make all things new” and He said to me, “Write for these words are True and Faithful.”    Rev 21:5 

How is love the second time around? Does it get right?

"A friend is needful at all times." Have you met Jesus?


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