My Boaz

I remember reading God’s love story of Boaz and Ruth. How beautifully God orchestrated their meeting and circumstance with the various characters for the story. You don’t hear God speaking but you see His hand very much involved in the lives of Naomi, Boaz, Ruth and later their children.

After that study, our group discussed how we all desired a Boaz in our lives. A Godly man that would have a tender heart and a gentle spirit towards us. 
Like children, we desire to be cared for and protected.

As I was in my quiet time, God’s showed me His love and grace towards me as He brought to my remembrance a time in my life where He put two (2) Boaz’s in my life. The Lord revealed His favor towards me when He moved within the heart of my Boss and the Company CEO at a time when everything in my life turned upside down. I did not see this until just now (15) years later.

The Boaz in your life doesn’t necessarily has to be the man you want to marry. A Boaz can be someone who has come into your life to protect and care over you for a season.

I am so grateful to the Lord for showing me that I had these two (2) wonderful people when I truly needed them and how He wonderfully opened my eyes to the blessing of having a Boaz in my life.

Can you think of someone whom the Lord has placed in your life to care and protect you? A close relative, a friend, an employer, a teacher, a mentor, a neighbor or someone who cares about what is going on in your life. 

The Lord says,
“I will rescue those who love me.
 I will protect those who trust in my name.
When they call on me, I will answer;
I will be with them in trouble.
I will rescue and honor them.
Psalm 91:14-15


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