My Father, My Friend

As we make ready to honor our earthly fathers with celebration of family, food, laughter, ties & gifts along with lots of love, let’s remember that for some this may be a day of reflection and memories instead.
Here is a story from a reader who shares his fondest memories of his Dad. Being the eldest of four kids, this will be his 5th year without his Dad. His story is especially heartbreaking because this Christian young man lost his Father just (30) days after losing his Mother, then his brother (8) months later.
We often think how can one person endure such heartache and sorrow?

It is only possible through our Father in heaven who gives true                     comfort, strength and peace to press onward.

Jesus looked at them intently and said, 
“Humanly speaking, it is impossible. 
But with God everything is possible.”

"My Father was far from perfect, but I was blessed to have him as my father. He did the best he could and showed me how to …love, be responsible, learn to be unselfish and to always sacrifice for the family.

My Father was my best friend, my support, my hardest critic and my drive because he was demanding and had expectations that pushed me to excel. His wonderful traits have made me become a stronger and better person.

My Father was always happy and appreciative. Although he never had much, he always shared what he did have. He was respectful of God but he did not always listen to the voice in his heart.

I remember a Little League baseball game that my Father was at watching me play. I was in the batters’ box getting ready for the pitch and I could hear his voice very clearly from the crowd saying,

·        “Be confident”
·        “Grip the bat”
·        “Watch the ball”
·        “Hit the ball”

My Father, til this day is the voice I still hear saying,
·        “Never give up”
·        “Try your best”
·        “God will always be with you”

I always knew my father loved me, even after the divorce and I knew he would always be with me and there for me. And that is exactly how I know that God is always with me and there for me!

Currently there is a TV commercial out that reminds me so much of My Father. The message is that life’s simple things are the best and really all we need; as long as we have God in our hearts."

I Love you Dad…..


  1. Tio, know that we miss you and thank you for the strong family values you instilled in your children.

  2. Very well put. I can only pray that my own daughters would do this for me. πŸ€”


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