Go In Peace 2016

Just wanted to share with you that today we completed our "Go In Peace 2016". 
It has been an amazing journey with young hearts that were hungry to see what God would do.

As for me, this was another layer that God was exposing and wanted to set me free from it. Healing has begun in my heart.

Thank you for your love and prayers, as well as your faithful commitment to our Pray N Fast 2016. God has truly been moving in our lives and many prayers are being answered for all of us.

I would like to share with you our video of "our offering unto God". 

It was such a glorious moment of offering our past to the Lord. It was a sweet smelling aroma filled with the fragrance of healing and the renewing of our minds and hearts. 

We shall humbly walk in the grace of God, as we Go In Peace.

Enjoy. May you find strength in the arms of Our Lord.

job leon


  1. Wow!... How sweet the sound of God working in their lives.
    God is good!!! God is mighty & gracious.
    What a blessing of God they will forever remember "The go N Peace". It will forever be written on the tablet of their hearts like it has with the single moms. Today they still remember & say that the "Go N peace" study has set them free & changed their hearts.
    Thank you, for sharing this very important-special day that God has done in their lives. This touches my heart & brings back memories of us. Yes, like the balloons they let go into the sky, now their hearts are free indeed! You are right, may they all fly like Eagles!
    Such a blessing!

    Thank you, blessings

  2. Wow How Amazing to see the Lord work in the Young youths Lives and to see them setting themselves Free in Christ.πŸ’– ! Thank you for sharing
    From Yolanda Garcia

  3. Awe what a blessing Lydia...love to see Gods people getting healed and set free! πŸ˜˜πŸ’œπŸ™πŸΌπŸ™ŒπŸ»☝🏻️
    from Pat Aroz

  4. I was touched to hear the young lady say that she was going to sign a blank contract with the Lord and have Him fill it out.
    from Maricela Godinez


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