August Prayer Request

Prayer Changes You

Prayer is so beneficial and yet too many times we do it half-heartedly. In being still and crying out to the Lord we find ourselves in a humble and broken state, which is the perfect way to come to God. 

Psalm 8:3-5

When I consider Your heavens, the work of Your fingers,
The moon and the stars, which You have ordained,
What is man that You are mindful of him,
And the son of man that You visit him?
For You have made him a little lower than the angels,
And You have crowned him with glory and honor.
Would you kindly include our requests in your prayers?
AUGUST 2016 
Pray For Change In You – Acceptance / Flexibility - Zechariah 3: 2 – 8
Pray For New Things In Your - Lives / Homes / Hearts   -   Daniel 9: 3 - 5
Pray For Understanding / Wisdom / Courage / Strength   -   Job 28: 12 - 23
Pray for Those Who Are Mourning / Going Through A Divorce –
Luke 7: 11 – 17 & Matthew 19: 8 – 9

JULY 2016
Pray For The Elderly  (3 John 1 – 2)
Pray For The Single  (1 Corinthians 7:7)
Pray For Marriages   (Genesis 2: 18 – 24)
Pray For The Future Of Our Children  (Luke 15: 20- 21)
JUNE 2016
·        Pray For People to Find A Vision / Direction  (Acts 9: 9 – 10)
·        Pray For Your Homes    ( Joshua 24:15)   
·        Pray For Families across The World    (Acts 16:31)
·        Pray For Truth in the Land    (Luke 10: 21 – 23)

MAY 2016
·        Pray For Revival in the Land    (Amos 8: 11 – 13)
·        Pray For The Backslider     (Luke 15: 20 – 21)
·        Reflect & Remember    (Deuteronomy 4:9)
·        Our Addicts  (Luke 4:18)

APRIL 2016
·        Pray For All Laborers     (Isaiah 26: 3 – 4)
·        Pray For All Leaders     (1 Timothy 3: 4 – 5)
·        Pray For All Servants    ( Isaiah 42: 1)
·        Pray For All Pastors     (Isaiah 42: 1 – 3)

MARCH 2016
·        Pray For Governments – Children / Adult Protection Agency  (Matthew 11: 28 – 30)
·        Pray For Our Fire / Police Departments   (Romans 8: 31 – 32)
·        Pray For Our Military / Their Families / Stability / Leadership    (Deuteronomy 31:6)
·        Pray For Global Economics   (Amos 3:10 – 15)
·        Pray For The World Stage   (Revelation 5: 4 – 10)

·        Pray For The Hearts’ Of The People     (Isaiah 66: 2 – 3)
·        Pray For The Lonely / Broken / Wild   (Romans 14: 10 – 12)
·        Pray For The Harden & Closed Hearts       (Hosea 2: 6-8)
·        Pray For The Foolish    (Acts 26: 27 – 28)
·        Pray For All Addicts     (1 Corinthians 7:1)

·        Pray For Revival   (John 6:63)
·        Pray For Stirring of Holy Spirit   (John 14: 16 – 17)
·        Prayer and Fast   (Isaiah 58: 5-6)
·        Pray For The New & Remove The Old   (2 Corinthians 5: 17)
·        Pray For Your Vision  (Joshua 2:1 "Go”)
·        Pray For Your Steadfastness / Courage   (Psalm 51:10)
·        Pray For Our Country to Stand For & Trust In God   (Ephesians 4:23   Daniel 3:12)

Be anxious for nothing, but with prayer and supplication,
with Thanksgiving let your requests be made to God.  
                                              Philippians 4:6


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