The Lone Ranger
I just returned from a family reunion in Chicago
and was totally blessed to know that God indeed had a plan and a purpose for
me. Let me explain.
Every time I travel to meet my family I call it
"a missionary trip" because its very important for me to share God's
love and Word with them. I long to see my family saved and walking in the truth
of God's Word.
I had been praying for God to use me on this
trip and I know that He did, so now I will wait and see how God will move in
their lives. I long to see some fruit all for His glory. I will watch and pray
for His work to be accomplished.
On my 1st day back home I was walking in the
park and a very friendly young man dressed in Los Angeles Raider shirt, shorts and long socks wearing flip flops smiles and said "Good morning". I enjoy the fresh mornings because its a new day. I smile and tell him
Good morning and what a beautiful day it is? We agree and he begins to tell me
about his God and how grateful he is to have God as a buddy. That God and him
are close and how God has helped him throughout his life.
He shares that he's on medical marijuana and
that at times he returns to his old habits and that God is always with him. So
I asked him "Why can't you trust God to help you overcome your drug use?
Simple question that I put to him thinking that I will share how God has
delivered me from so many things.
Well, the nice young "looking
man" tells me that he talks with God all the time and that they are tight
(he shows me 2 crossed fingers) letting me know that they are tight like this. He
then goes on to tell me how him and God think alike, etc.
Wow, just out of nowhere, I say to him,
"that's not true". God's ways are not our ways, and God's thoughts
are not like our thoughts" and that God is infinite. The very next words I
hear from him are: "Madam, I hope you have a nice day. Good bye and God
bless you and he begins to walk away.
Boy, what a surprise to be dismissed so suddenly
and I thought to myself "Yes God always blesses me". As I walked away
from him I thought, “Wow how deceived this young man is about God, and how so
many people are being lied to and deceived into thinking that they can know God and
can live any way they choose to live in their flesh. That it's okay not to
surrender ourselves and our sins over to God. That we can continue to talk about God
and there's no need to repent from their sins. That there's no need for the
forgiveness of sin and there's no truth in their hearts' about who God really is
and what He commands of us. They choose to believe that God is a friend and
confidante as they walk together in darkness.
There's such a lie in our churches today! Such a famine of God's True Word in our country! So many people are buying into “God
loves me and therefore I don't need to change my ways”.
I walked away with this thought, so explain why did Jesus go to the cross and died for your sins? who is the
"Lone Ranger" in this story?
Let’s pray
Father, there are so many that can’t hear what
your Spirit is saying. They are lost, confused and bound by deceit. Father, we
pray for a revival within our borders. A pouring out of your Holy Spirit in our
churches. We pray for your Word to be preach and taught throughout the dead
churches in our country. Lord, sound the trumpet to all peoples, that we must pray
for your Truth to return to our churches, our leaders, our pastors, our
families and our country.
“Behold, the days are coming,” says the Lord God,
“That I will send a famine on the land,
not a famine of bread,
Nor a thirst for water, But of hearing the word of the Lord.
Wow! That is so steep but very true! How awesome that you were able to speak the truth to this young man regardless of what he thought. Being Bold For Jesus Christ. Welcome back Lydia!
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing your writings. They truly bless me. It's like taking us along with you in your journeys of life they are so interesting & well said. A blessing to my heart. Again thank you for them keep sharing I want to read more of them.
ReplyDeleteThank you