Time 2 Pray 4 Revival

      Time 2 Pray 4 Revival

Prayer request: Please pray with me for  this young child, Summer who desperately needs the love and protection of our Lord Jesus. Please pray for God to expose any danger towards my young friend.
Thank you, job leon

Lately I have been feeling like Jeremiah, “The Weeping Prophet”. 

I can see the ugly things that are happening within our borders, here in America, and it makes me very sad. America has turned her back on God. She has lost her 1st love.
You can see the chaos, the violence, the hatred, the anger, the lies, the corruption and all sorts of evil that is being called “good”. Our young generation are confused and lost. They can’t distinguish between what’s right and what’s wrong. They are on their own and have no concept of who God is, because they have yet to experience God for themselves. Our children who have been brought up in church are in the cross fire between the Truth (God’s ways) and the Deception (from the prince of this world, Satan).
We as Christians, must pray for revival. We need to return to our 1st Love. We must pray for revival to begin within our hearts. Once we can grasp this urgent need to pray, we can then pray for revival for our families, then pray for revival in our churches and finally our country!

We Christians, have been sitting and warming the pews for far too long. We need to rise up and get into praying. We need to cry out for God’s Spirit to fall afresh upon us and this country.

Can you hear the trumpet sound? Can you see the signs of the end time is near? Do you see the deception that is upon this land? It is time to pray! It is time to get on our knees and cry out to the Lord, for our loved ones to come to Christ.

I see that church leaders today also see this change in our country. For example, let me share this message from Pastor Brian Brodersen of Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa, CA.

When considering whether judgment is at hand, we must first remember that it is the Lord’s strange work (Isaiah 28:21). History testifies that judgment is something God is reluctant to do.
Think of all the wickedness that has marred human history. Think of all the sin and disregard for God and His laws, and how few times He has intervened with judgment. Through the prophet Ezekiel, God said, “I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked” (33:11). Truly, God is reluctant to judge.
Second, we need to remember that God delights in showing mercy (Micah 7:18). Israel’s rebellious history reveals that its people were often on the brink of extinction because of their sin. The book of Judges, for example, covers an approximately 335-year period of great moral confusion when “everyone did what was right in his own eyes” (Judges 17:6).
Sound familiar? Toward the end of the book, the Jews’ fate seemed hopeless, and it appeared as if nothing could alter Israel’s course. Yet, we find God wasn’t finished with His people. The book of Judges closes with the reign of Samuel as prophet, and with David ascending to the throne, providing a new day of mercy for the Jews. Where judgment had seemed inevitable, God extended mercy.
As we come to the New Testament, how much darker could things have gotten than to have Herod the Edomite as king over the Jews at the time of Christ’s birth? This must have seemed like the lowest point in Israel’s history. Yet, it was during that dark, dark hour that Jesus Christ came, after which followed the Day of Pentecost—the single greatest outpouring of God’s Spirit upon His people.
We see God’s reluctance to judge and His mercy upon the people of Israel. But what about the U.S.?
The general Christian mindset is that until modern times, America was a solid Christian nation, established by godly Founding Fathers; and that it has only recently weakened by the infiltration of humanistic thinking. This somewhat inaccurate view can undermine hope of God doing a great work.
If we think it’s as bad as it’s ever been, and because it’s so bad, nothing good can happen in the future, then we are not going to be looking forward in faith to the possibility of God doing something fresh today. If we concede that all is lost, we don’t have an accurate view of America’s history. Believe it or not, there have been times in the past similar to the times we are living in today.
The Revolutionary period was one of those times. In the late 1700s, Americans were greatly influenced by Voltaire and Rousseau’s writings from France, and by Thomas Paine and Ethan Allen in America.
What about the moral and social conditions during our nations founding? Surely they are far worse today than at any other time in history, right?
The moral and social conditions during our nation’s founding were not as wholesome as we’d like to think. According to the late revival scholar, Dr. J. Edwin Orr, “Drunkenness became epidemic. Out of a population of 5 million, 300,000 were confirmed drunkards. Profanity was of the most shocking kind. For the first time in the history of the American settlement, women were afraid to go out at night for fear of assault.
Christianity’s influence upon our national life is not due primarily to our Founding Fathers (although many of them were committed Christians), but to mighty outpourings of God’s Spirit.
Although our world looks bleak, and even though it appears Christianity could be ushered out of the affairs of men, I believe God might work in a special way, pouring out His Spirit, and bringing revival to the Church and an awakening to the nations. Both history and the character of God ought to give us hope for such things.
Let us pray!  
“Then if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their land”    2 Chronicles 7:14    


  1. Amen. Thank you Lydia. Yes, very true that this world is definitely facing it's last days. May we all continue to pray as a nation that as believers we don't grieve the Holy spirit. Instead let us be strong in our faith n be on our knees praying for the Lost. That all will come to know the Lord in an intimate way. Also,,,prayer request for all young children who are living in a home where they are being exposed to abuse. May God intervene in these children's lives, so that the kids will experience what is is to feel loved by Him. Abused children are in our children's schools. These children are lashing out by attacking innocent children. May the schools and teachers gain wisdom from Christ to also be willing to put a stop to the unsafe behavior in our children's schools, and all over our World. Lord we cry out to you!


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