Live Laugh Pray
A reminder to remember
what is really important. Trials, sufferings and afflictions will always be a
part of our lives, but we can be strong and courageous.
We have God’s Word
which is the truth that we have filled with God’s blessings and promises, which
is what the world needs.
If you know the bible and keep that Word of God in
your heart, you shall be more than overcomers! Your life will be rich and fruitful
because you will learn of hope and direction for your life and receive the fruits of the Spirit of God which are;
love, real joy, true peace, self-control,
faithfulness, kindness, long suffering and goodness. These are the things that
our world needs today.
You need to know God and
His Word. You need to find, seek and search for truth yourself. It is not
enough to just go to church whenever you feel like it and just let someone else
read God’s Word to you. If that is what you want because that is how you were
taught or because it is more convenient for you, then let me ask you “How is
your relationship with God”?
Is it based on someone’s
experience with God? Is it based on hearing only a sermon? If so, can I challenge you to open up a bible and just
read for yourself the gospel of John? Take time to read and understand who is
God and what has He done for you. Allow God to teach you about Himself and
allow Him to speak to you so that you can develop a relationship with Him.
You will begin to see
changes in your life, in your attitude and in your understanding of God. Don’t
cheat yourself out of a spiritual blessing. I tell you a truth, too many of us
don’t really have a relationship with God. Too many have not experienced the presence
of God or the soft still voice that is the Holy Spirit in our lives. Is this
Allow me to tell you
about the Word of God.
It is called: The Bible, The Book
of Law, Holy Scriptures, The Word of Life, The Book or The Word.
The Word of God is descriptive of: God’s
revealed plans, The Old Testament Law, The gospel and Christ’s message.
The Word of God is describes as: Pure, Truth, Enduring, Perfect, Sure,
Effectual, Living, Inspired and Active.
What The Word of God does : Created
the World, Heals, Sets free, Makes wise, Produces faith, Illuminates, Rejoices
the heart, Reconciles and Bears witness.
The proper attitude towards The
Word of God should be: Stand in awe, Speak faithfully, Search, Speak boldly, Tremble at,
Preach, Obey, Receive, Meditate on and Teach
In the life of a Believer, the Word of God
is a: Restraint, Guide, Source of Joy,
Standard of Conduct, Source of New Live and Spiritual Food,
I pray that we will
desire a true born again experience and a true understanding of God’s Word.
Live Laugh
And Pray
you are young
life and the freedom which you have.
kind and honest with all people.
God with all your heart and
to love and laugh.
stop praying for
Yourself and for others.
you are middle aged
happy with yourself and with life.
ways to live in peace with others.
that life will bring challenges,
But learn to live, laugh and
Pray for Yourself, your family &
you are living your golden years
no regrets.
peace with everyone that you can.
will change and family will grow up.
to let them go,
for their sake but for yours.
that they too
learn to live, laugh and pray.
Awesome Lydia.š Thank -you Lord For Your Word Which is a lamp unto my feet. When we drink of God's Word we don't thirst for the world. The word of God is so powerful sharper than a 2 edged sword.Lord I pray that all who attend church will truly seek you in your word. May the church become grownup in your word. With your word in our hearts n minds we will be transformed unto your image. And the world will be drawn to know you Lord. Thank you Jesus.