Night Season

                      Night Season
Let’s put on some worship as we take a look at this.
For His anger is but for a moment,
His favor is for life;
Weeping may endure for a night,
But joy comes in the morning.
Once upon a time “the night season” scripture was vague to me. But the time came where I would hear this scripture in my life, and with such clarity I began to understand “the night season”. Have you had this experience?
It is the dark moments of life, where you feel all alone. You can’t see where you’re going so you might be afraid and in that time of the night season, you feel like no one understands you and like nobody cares, which is all part of the enemy's trick to convince you that God isn’t there in your mist. 
Of course these are lies from Satan to discourage you and to keep you from realizing the Truth, that God is with you. God is there holding you and walking with you through this season. 
You can feel His Presence and you remember that He hears the cries of His children! Your faith continues to keep you seeking after the Lord. For who knows how long this season may last with all its inconveniences and trials. 
The night season is needful in our spiritual walk because it strengthens us and brings back focus into our spiritual lives. 
Take this opportunity in this season, to step back and begin to prioritize the things in your life. Remove those things that are causing you distractions, and also those things that are meaningless and not fruitful to you.
Keep and hold on to the things that are true and the things that are good. Turn this night season into a spring season! Begin to clean your house and throw out the junk. 
Then be strong and of good courage, for just as the scripture says “joy comes in the morning!”   Praise the Lord…….


  1. Amen!Thank you Lydia. I will continue to cling to our Mighty Father ...trusting that He will make something beautiful out of me.

  2. from michelle
    Your writings are awesome! I am blessed by them each time. They are right on target. from Michelle


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