Christmas Wish

Oh how sweet are these words to the soul. 

Just close your eyes and listen with your heart.

          There is a small voice within your heart
          That tells you about the God who loves you.
          He gave to this world His only Son,
          That you may come to know Him.
          His Son has come to set you free from all
That has kept you away from Him,
          So you no longer have to be a slave to sin!
Let us become that child of God,
That desires nothing more than
To please Him with our lives.
Let us be that child of God,
That loves others, both friend and foe
Because He first loved us!
Come, I invite you to meet My Friend
Who loves and cares for you like no other.
Come, taste and see how good He is,
For He will never leave you and will stay closer than a brother.
His name is Jesus, and He wants you to invite Him to come in,
So won’t you open your heart?
And with your mouth confess that, “Yes I need Jesus”
And ask Him to come into your life!
This is my Christmas wish 4 you,
For in Him there is a New Beginning and
All things are made new.
Your mind will be transformed
Your life will be conformed to His perfect
Plan for you, and what joy and love you shall know!
Come, meet Jesus and together let us have a
Happy and Blessed New Year.


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