
Seasons of Prayer
To everything there is a season, A time for every purpose under heaven.  Ecclesiastes 3:1

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Have you ever noticed that there are seasons in your prayer life? Take a look at the various seasons in your life and journal your experiences.

Winter     Season of waiting
This is a season of a cold and difficult time while you are “waiting” you see no change, you feel alone and you have no answers to your prayers.

Summer     Season of questions     
This is a season of hot trials and you are thirsty for answers from God for the questions you have

“Where are you Lord”?                     “How long Lord”?                    “Why, Lord”?

Fall     Season of changes
This is a season where you notice gradual small changes and ask the Lord:
        “What are you trying to teach me, Lord”?                 “How can this be good”?

Spring  Season of Freshness and Renewal
This is a season of “Answered Prayer” and your heart sings “I’m ready, Lord”



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