New Year 2017 Resolution

   In looking back on this past year it seems that the word that comes to mind is “urgency”. There was a sense of coming together as a whole during the elections and its aftermath. There was a sense of urgency to wake up and do something about where we, as a country were going. We came together despite our color, our beliefs and cultural to survive “the year of chaos, 2016”.

Now as we look forward to 2017 and the New Year, we have our ideas for new goals we want to reach, along with those honest changes we want to make. Let me provide some food for thought. Let’s put aside our new year’s desire to get fit and lose weight.  Think about this; “What about if we can work on “being the best person we can be”? This may need to be one of those changes we will need to put some practice into, but it can also be one of those changes that can be so beneficial to us, our families and our community. It needs to begin with a thought of change, then put into practice until it becomes a habit.

Let's think of this in terms of taking baby steps; such as “letting someone else go first”? Or what about, “thinking about others more than ourselves”? Before you think I’m insane, let me just say this. It doesn’t take much time or effort to pass along a smile to a stranger, or a “hi” as you are walking down a street. Or, how about offering a hand to that person who can use a hand. What about listening to someone and be honest with them by giving them a dose of reality. Life is as simple as we want to make it!

So instead of setting unrealistic goals like joining a gym with the intent of working ourselves to the ground, or eating less to lose weight, what if we just work on being a kinder person?

Here is another food for thought - Prayer

How beautiful it is to watch the birds in the rain, as they are looking for their food and just enjoying the rain and the plenty that is daily provided for them. They don’t have to worry because they know that they are cared for. 

Our prayer requests are like the birds of the air. No need to worry about them. If God provides for them and cares for the lilies of the field and how they grow; how much more will God do about your prayer requests?

Do not get weary nor grow faint, but wait on the Lord for answered prayers & for the fullness of His plans to come to pass.

What do you think about making your New Years’ 2017 resolution one of a change for a better you with a deeper prayer life?


  1. Thank you Lydia. Yes, I pray and I'm looking Forward to allowing the Lord to continue to mold me into His image. So that my character will be more like His. I Humbly come before you Lord continue to reveal yourself to me as I read your word where YourTruth is. 💖


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