What is Failure

What is failure? Trying to do something then realize that you can not do it.

I would like to share with you this experience in my reality check. The short story is that I went out and tried to do a job which was too demanding for me. At the ripe age of 62 years old, I learned a valuable lesson. I was challenged with the fact that I had to realize and admit to myself, that the work I was hired to do was at a pace which I just couldn't keep up with. Oh, how that hurts my pride!

I am praising God today because I was able to be real with myself. I was able to admit that I no longer have the ability to multi-task or remember various little things, like I once did.

I had been struggling for a month and half to keep up with my required task at work, and I just kept making mistakes, forgetting instructions and not finishing in a timely manner. I have been frustrated and restless about having to face this truth about myself. Father, forgive me for trying to blame others, when the truth was there for me to see and accept. The fact was that I had to deal with myself and put aside my pride and surrender to the truth that I could not do the job which I was hired to do.

But in reality, to admit that I failed is not so hard when I realized that I gave it my best effort and didn't quit. I had to re-evaluate the truth about what I am capable of doing and what I can not. The decision of what to do was then an easy one for me after being honest with myself. "Honesty really is the best policy".

According to the Webster' dictionary, failure means a lack of success; not able to do.
If we use these words to describe what it is to fail, then the demeaning human side of failure doesn't exist and it doesn't matter. With this understanding, I can proudly say that I failed as a cafeteria worker, because there is no shame in having tried out for the position. I just did not succeed!

"When I fall short is when I find out who I really am".
 If we can strive to know and admit what our shortcomings / weaknesses are, then we will have succeeded.

     John 8:32
"And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free"

Sam Lucero - Has abdominal cancer and is at the hospital in critical condition. Please pray.

Cystal Morales - Dealing and struggling with the upcoming anniversary of the grief and loss of her precious 9 year old son. Please pray for her and her family.

Ruben, Marie & the family Lizarraga - Also dealing & struggling with the recent loss of their precious 21 year old son. Please pray


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