El Olam

                NAMES OF GOD

Are you enjoying studying the different ways that the bible shows us the beauty of God?
This week, we will look at The Everlasting God, without beginning or end. This is the Lord our God, El Olam.

El Olam  (El O Lam)   
The forever God.
You and I know this world & its people will fade away, but we also know that our God will not! How marvelous it is to know that God will be forever. 
Heart Question
·          What does it mean to you, to understand that God is and will always be?
·          How will your prayer change knowing this truth?
A Little Deeper
Do you make promises with the intention to keep that promise? Of course, we do! But what do you say when you really want to make it known that you want to do all that you can to keep this promise, regardless of how many promises you did not keep?
As people, we make promises; to one another, to our children and ourselves. We make lifetime vows/ promises, with the military, in marriages and banks (to pay back loans).
Today we will see Abraham making another covenant as we look at Genesis 21:30-33.
Keep in mind that Abraham was called by God and by faith he followed. Every place where Abraham traveled he meet people and because God had blessed him, many could see that God was with him. In everything that he owed he became rich because of his faith towards God. His servants and Kings could witness that God was indeed faithful to him.
Let's recall that in Genesis 14 we found Abraham making a covenant and at that time he swore by the name of “El Elyon,” The Most High God.  
Here in Genesis 21, we will see Abraham making a covenant (a vow /a promise) with King Abimelech, but this he will use another mighty name of God – El Olam, The Everlasting God 

Let’s read.
Abraham replied, “Please accept these seven lambs to show your agreement that I dug this well.” Then he named the place Beersheba (which means “well of the oath”), because that was where they had sworn the oath. 
After making their covenant at Beersheba, Abimelech left with Phicol, the commander of his army, and they returned home to the land of the Philistines. Then Abraham planted a tamarisk tree at Beersheba, and there he worshiped the Lord, the Eternal God.

From the Hebrew the Eternal God is translated El OlamThe Eternal God. Wow, how powerful it is that we can know our God as the Eternal, Everlasting God. For me, I want to make this personal, so I will translate it as “my Forever and Ever God.”  In my prayer time or at any time that I need to cry out to God, I will invoke this beautiful name and picture of the God who always is and will be God.
We must thank God that He never changes, and that He always was God and will always be God no matter how much propaganda is coming against God from every angle, such as, social media, the government, television news and commentators, even other religions.
Heart Question
·        Can you see the truth and the power in the name of El Olam?
·        How will you stand against the deception of the world against the Eternal God?

Let’s Pray
Father, you are the One Living God and there are no other gods before thee. Help us to trust in the power of Your name and Your Holy Bible, for these are our weapons to stand up for Truth and to believe that You are who You said You are. May Your truth be hidden in our hearts and may we continue to pray for our families and our country in these dark and unstable times.

In Jesus name we pray! 


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