Is Anything Too Difficult for Me?

              El Gabor

Let us listen to these words of Praise and Thanksgiving for our God is the same today, yesterday and 4ever.

I have been waiting to write about how great and merciful God is to us, every day. What better time than now, in this message of His name, El Gabor which means “Is there anything too hard for Me”?

At every opportunity, God will reveal Himself to you however He can. For me, this came to pass last month, when at 1:00 am I received a call regarding my mother and how she was not responding to touch or their voice. As I laid there waiting for a call back from this team that so rudely rocked my world, I experienced a new awaking peace within my soul. Many emotions went through my mind; panic, regret, prayers, but above all these, there was a calm peace within me, that flowed from heaven to my world, here on earth.
This experience is what I want to share, in hope that you too will find comfort, peace and understanding when the impossible circumstances, events, struggles or challenges come to you which will confront your faith and your God.  
Heart Questions
·        Where do you go when it seems as if there is nothing more you can do?
·        Can you believe the impossible is possible?
Let’s look at Jeremiah 32:27 as we hear God Himself speaking to you, then take a moment to mediate on what the Holy Spirit is saying to you, right now.
          “Behold, I am the Lord, the God of all flesh.
Is there anything too hard for Me?
As students of the Bible, you have heard read the scripture “that with man things are impossible, but with God all things are possible”.   Matthew 19:26
But Jesus looked at them and said to them “With men this is impossible,
but with God all things are possible.”   
Heart Questions
·        Are you growing weary and losing heart?
·        Are you facing some seemingly insurmountable "mountain" of difficulty?
·         Is there some "impossible situation" in a relationship with your spouse, a family member, a friend, a co-worker?
God does the impossible, so that you can learn to cry out to Him and believe that there is nothing that is too hard for Him.
Sarah’s Testimony Genesis 18:14
“Is anything too hard for the Lord? At the appointed time I will return to you, according to the time of life, and Sarah shall have a son.”
What is it that you need today from the Lord of the Heavens, that seems unreachable, untamable, not changeable, hopeless and not possible by you but possible for God?

I challenge you to get on your knees and begin a dialogue with Him about what you can not see because of our limited understanding and ask Him to show you what He can do.
In prayer, cry out His holy name “El Gabor” the God of impossibilities and allow your faith to increase as God reveals Himself to you in great and wonderful ways.
With God and prayer, all things are possible!
Let’s Pray
Father, through your Word we have knowledge of who You are. Through prayer we can see You. Teach us how to call You by your holy name when everything seems too difficult for us to believe. May we come to You as a little child, to ask for those things that we can not se, but by faith we believe You will do, for You are the almighty, El Gabor.  
Let your Will be done here on earth as it is in heaven.
There is nothing more valuable to You than to reveal yourself to your children.
In Jesus’ name, we believe.


  1. From Dodger Blue (Yolanda)
    Love it! That was an amazing message. Thank you Lord for the reminder that there is nothing too Impossible for You! I will continue to seek and pray, Lord. I will speak and live a life For You Lord! Though I may Fail your Unfailing Love consumes me and revives me. 😊🙏


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