Why Do You Call Me Lord?

  Listen to this Love Song and let us sing a new song unto Him.


Adonai   A Don Nay    Genesis 15:2   
Adonai means: My LORD, My Master, My Owner. The one who owns me and commands my obedience.
As you say this name, you can hear a tender whisper within your heart and its sweet sensation flowing, like a peaceful light into your soul. The name Adonai has a gentle soothing affect to its name. 
Close your eyes and call out Adonai, and you will feel a perfect presence in your being, because Adonai reflects an intimate relationship between God and His people. Only when you willingly come to the place of surrendering your life over to Him, will you find true intimacy with Him.
Let’s look at Exodus 4:10 - 15 where Moses comes to such a place of surrender and obedience, but not before God had sternly remind him of who he is and who God is.
In this portion of scripture, Moses has been called and God is revealing to him, His plan and His purpose for the nation of Israel and the work that He will do by the hand of Moses and a heart that will submit to God's will.
Then Moses said to the Lord, “O my Lord, I am not eloquent, neither before nor since You have spoken to Your servant; but I am slow of speech and slow of tongue.”
The Lord said to him, “Who has made man’s mouth? Or who makes the mute, the deaf, the seeing, or the blind? Have not I, the Lord? Now therefore, go and I will be with your mouth and teach you waht you shall say." 

Heart Questions 
a) Who do you say God is?
b) Is He calling you to a deeper walk?
c) What is your excuse?

A Closer Look
Moses’s hesitation to obey God eventually ended when he acknowledged God as Adonai. Moses submitted to God's call and accepted his position as a bondservant and God’s position as His Lord. Moses realized that it was not his place to choose his work but to obey the voice of God.
The name Adonai challenges every person who calls God "Lord" to be willing to live in a way that demonstrates His Lordship! In other words, saying "He is Lord" must not be only with your lips but also with your life!
Luke 6:46
“But why do you call Me ‘Lord, Lord’ and not do the things which I say?
·       Ponder this question, “Who is the boss of you?” 

Heart Questions
a) Is it your desire to bow down in true surrender to Him?  Then begin to talk to God with sincerity and He will do the rest!
b) Will you give Him your life to do all that He desires to do with it?

Let’s Pray
Father, I want more of You. Teach me how to follow and obey You in all matters of my life. I do not need to be in control, so I humbly ask You to take my life and make it Yours. May I live my life for You, as I desire to call you Adonai.  Amen   


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