Tis The Season

How does it feel when you get into a slump? Take a moment to listen to this song as it refreshes your spirit.
I try to encourage others with scriptures which are words that bring life to a weary body, a thirsty soul and even dried old bones. 
So. with this writing I would like to share with you how at times I feel during this time of the year. Pardon me as I begin an open and honest blog about Tis the Season. I am really enjoying the cool fall weather and the reds, yellows; and browns of the California fall.
There seems to be something else about this time of the year.
I tend to retreat and shut down physically and emotionally. I understand that the time change can easily affect many of us, but I believe that it goes deeper than that.
Do you have episodes of just wanting to hide away? 
Any maybe there isn't anything to hide from, but it is an emotional time. 
It's not the black fridays or the cyber mondays, that is causing all the hustle and bustle within me.  I am well done with gift shopping for the family and friends. I am enjoying the family dinners at Thanksgiving and look forward to new Christmas dinners coming soon. 
Somewhere I lost my interest and excitement about Tis the Season.
I am in a "be quiet and know that I AM God waiting season, but I wonder about what new places and people will I be crossing paths with in the coming New Year and what new adventures it will bring.
I do not believe that I am anxious or fearful, but there is an undertow pulling at my heart. I cannot explain this experience, only that the emotional rollercoaster feeling is real.  My heart is heavy without reason and my spirit feels rich, and yet I feel weak. 
As Christmas draws closer, my prayer is that the many who are feeling "a change in the wind" and are wondering what is it, please do not fret. Let us make ourselves ready to experience the new work and wonders that God will bring forth with the New Year. We must continue to grow in the grace and knowledge of the Lord Jesus, if indeed He is Lord, right?
Therefore, let us find a new song and make ready the coming of new things and new ideas. Yes, let us walk in “The newness of life
Therefore, we were buried with Him through baptism into death, that just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life.  Romans 6:4
Remember the Reason 4 The Season and let’s rise up with a shout to encourage one another with these few words. 

And she will bring forth a Son, and you shall call His name Jesus,
For He will save His people from their sins.”     Matthew 1:21
Let’s Pray
Holy Spirit fall afresh on us!


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