The Cross and Death To Sin

In a cultural where everything is being offered through media, books, films, music and many different outlets, how can anyone find a true moral compass about sin? I wonder how many people would be opened to the truth that, these influences are designed to capture your heart and your mind?

This is the world’s influence today.

QUESTION: How would you like to see your teenage daughter reading this?

Our young adults are exposed to this daily.

QUESTION: Is this where our young men need to go for advice on “How to Be A Man”?  

Ponder this:
If you are lost in Adam (your old nature), then you are dead in sin.
If you are saved through Christ (the new born nature), now you are dead to sin. 
This is the message for today; I must be either, dead in sins or dead to sins”. 
In your own words explain what this means to you?

L. E. Maxwell, an author pens this powerful message; 
“I must refuse “self” to lord over me and refuse to have my own way. 
Therefore, you too must choose, "to be dominated by “self” or Christ?”  

Write out your thoughts.

Romans 8:2 
And because you belong to Christ, the power of the Holy Spirit has freed you from the power of sin that leads to death.

What a provocative truth.  How does this help you to see sin?

Search Your Heart
If indeed Christ lives in me, how can I benefit from Christ’s death when I still want my own way?  
If you have can feel the Holy Spirit's conviction, why not desire to escape sin’s dominion. The Spirit of God is specific, and the Scriptures are plain! Any offensive sin must be put to death, not pampered or even prayed about. It is good to cry out for clean hearts’ but not when God instructions regarding sin is that it must be “cut off” and “plucked out.” In other words, you must die to it.  
Write out your thoughts

The cross is no place for concealing, hiding or covering of sin. It is the place where we break away from sin. The place we can come to exposure our guilt and shame.
Let us be willing to accept this truth. If Christ indeed died to rid you of your sins, should you not then die to it rather than keep it?

What does this mean to you? 

Let us consider this thought:
But if I am not sick enough of sin to get rid of it, then I can only continue to bow down to the chains that binds me, until I am sick onto death of this sinful self.  
Journal a prayer     

How did the Holy Spirit reveal the power of the Cross to you in this chapter?      
Romans 6:12 Let this be our prayer today 
"Therefore, do not let sin reign in your mortal body that you should obey it in its lusts"                     


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