
Showing posts from December, 2018

The Cross and Methods

  This chapter will help us to see the beauty and the importance of the Gospel. We know that it is the gospel that brings salvation to those who hear and to the heart that believes it. That is the mystery of the gospel. I never understood how important it is that I do my part of bringing the gospel of Jesus to those around me and to those that I love. In my naivety it was always my understanding that I just had to invite them to church or events at church and God would do the rest. I was ashamed of the gospel of Jesus and therefore I never shared the hope I have experienced since I heard the gospel and ask Jesus into my heart. I always felt afraid of what people would say or think. I made many excuses for not sharing the good news. Satan really had me fooled into thinking that I didn’t need to speak to people about the wonderful things that God has done for me. I thought that God can use my testimony of the things that He has been doing and continues to do in my life. ...

The Cross and Kingship

To be a king requires sacrificial service. Jesus simply and truthfully explains it in Matthew 20:27 when He said; “whoever desires to be first among you let him be your slave”. Many want to be leaders, but not everyone has the desire to serve others. This was the point that Jesus was making with this scripture. If you want to be first, you want to lead, then you need also to be willing to be a slave.  Leading requires discipline and a heart of service. You cannot lead because you want to lead. You must be called to lead and have the gift. A hard task master can move people to assure that things get done in the fashion that he wants, but that is not leading. It must be done with the mindset to do it, using God’s example from the fruit of the spirit (joy, peace, love, patience, kindness, self-control, faithfulness and goodness), these attributes will move people. If not, many good people will fall away and end up getting hurt. A leader believes that they can lead because...

The Cross and Satan

It is very difficult for me to comprehend why some Christians are so quick to think and believe that Satan is always after them and are a bad testimony of the power of God in their lives as they walk around so defeated! Where’s the power of God who resurrected Jesus from the dead on the third day? Where is the power of God in the lives of so many who have been transformed from the old nature to a new creation in Him. Acts 26:17 “ to open their eyes, in order   to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan to God,   that they may receive forgiveness of sins and   an inheritance among those who are sanctified by faith in Me.’ Romans 6:4 “Therefore, we were buried with Him through baptism into death, that just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life”. Satan is a real enemy of the Cross. But he has been defeated at the Cross. Why...

The Cross, Contentment and Complacency

Complacency can be described as being pleased without the awareness of some potential danger or defect. Complacency should be an area that we can all agree is one that we fall into more often than we ought. When we are on the mountain top our confidence in God is without doubt. The experiences in this season are fruitful and our shouts of joy can be heard. This joy is our strength in the Lord. What happens when the summer season comes with all its heat and drought? Somehow things are not the same. Where is joy? What happened to our songs? Take a moment and describe your experience. What do you do to overcome? In this chapter we see that murmuring and complaining is an inward refusal of some providential circumstance or place. Hence, we can refuse the Cross. God in His infinite wisdom is working His perfect plan and we challenge Him without understanding that He is working for our good. Let read this excerpt from the book, of the story by Madame Guyon. How ric...