The Cross and Methods

This chapter will help us to see the beauty and the importance of the Gospel. We know that it is the gospel that brings salvation to those who hear and to the heart that believes it. That is the mystery of the gospel. I never understood how important it is that I do my part of bringing the gospel of Jesus to those around me and to those that I love. In my naivety it was always my understanding that I just had to invite them to church or events at church and God would do the rest. I was ashamed of the gospel of Jesus and therefore I never shared the hope I have experienced since I heard the gospel and ask Jesus into my heart. I always felt afraid of what people would say or think. I made many excuses for not sharing the good news. Satan really had me fooled into thinking that I didn’t need to speak to people about the wonderful things that God has done for me. I thought that God can use my testimony of the things that He has been doing and continues to do in my life. ...