Ever wonder if God knows where you are? What you are doing for His
Let’s look at Paul’s description of Epaphras in Colossians 1:7-8:
At times, we tend to forget that our God sees everything, both great
and small. He knows the works of His children weather you are serving with the
children’s' ministry or evangelizing across the world.
Maybe you lead a bible study at home with your family? Or at work,
you have joined a bible study. Whatever you are doing for the Kingdom of God,
He knows it, He sees it and He is honored and pleased.
Have you heard of
Epaphras? He was at Colosse and was converted by Paul possibly at Ephesus. This
man left such an impression on Paul that we can gleam from two (2) small lines
in the book of Colossians about this man.
Let’s look at Paul’s description of Epaphras in Colossians 1:7-8:
learned about the Good News from Epaphras, our beloved co-worker.
He is
Christ’s faithful servant, and he is helping us on your behalf.
He has
told us about the love for others that the Holy Spirit has given you.”
so carefully introduces Epaphras as:
A co-worker -
Epaphras was a minister of the gospel in Colosse.
A beloved
brother - Paul is moved by the compassion that Eraphras shows for the
call of God upon His life and for God's people.
Faithful servant - Paul calls him a faithful servant. Now remember that Paul never
pulled any punches. He called it as it was. Think back to the separation of
Paul and Barnabas and how Paul called out John Mark for leaving the
ministry midway through their journey, which later becomes the reason that Paul
and Barnabas separate.
understood the hardship of doing the Lord's work and could see that Eraphras
had a faithful attitude and a servant's heart. This gives us a glimpse of this
simple man who leaves us a guideline of what serving the Lord is about.
Although, he is only mentioned here and later as a prisoner of Rome with Paul
in the book of Philemon, this man left a mark.
Epaphras may
not be well known, but nevertheless, the work God has called him to do has made
a great impact. We can see that he ministers to the people of Colosse, and
because of his work there, many have come to the Lord Jesus Christ and the
power of the Holy Spirit is working on the hearts and lives of many.
Epaphras’ is
described by Paul as faithful, beloved, a
co-worker and a servant of Christ. These are wonderful attributes of a
servant with a heart for God’s people. And we know that, when you have a heart
for others, you will be called to prayer!
Many times, we don’t feel like the things we do unto God is
noticed. We cry out for loved ones, neighbors, prodigals and much more and
sometimes we just wonder ‘God, do you see the need” or "God are
you near”?
The next time you feel or think like this, remember
Only a short description is known about him, but what an impression
he left. Paul shows his love and respect for the work that Epaphras is doing.
We see that the Colossian church is growing in love for one
What a key fruit of the spirit that reflects the very heart
of God. We also see that the Spirit of God is moving and working and growing
the Colossian church. All this is done through much prayer and faithfulness and
Paul clearly recognizes the work that God is doing through Epaphras.
This is the
message today; Don’t believe the lie, that God does not know the work you do for
His glory. You don’t need a pat on the back or people to applaud you. Just remember
Epaphras and how God shares in His Word the wonderful things that He
accomplished through one small insignificant person that changed the hearts and
lives of many, and one of those was the apostle Paul; who upon hearing from
Epaphras about the work at Colosse, Paul would continue to pray for the
Colossian church.
Be strengthen and encouraged by the power of the Holy Spirit
to continue God's work for His glory and you too will leave a mark. You may not
be seen by man, but indeed God sees all and is pleased.
Like the Colossian church, let us also grow in the grace and
knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ;
So, we
have not stopped praying for you since we first heard about you.
We ask
God to give you complete knowledge of His will and to give you spiritual wisdom
and understanding.
the way you live will always honor and please the Lord, and your lives will produce
every kind of good fruit.
All the
while, you will grow as you learn to know God better and better”.
Colossian 1:9-10
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