Conviction what a marvelous gift! That”s when there is something bothering your conscience or your spirit, and you know exactly what it is that you need to change or that you need to stop. There is something that you need to give up because it’s not right.

In these days where bad is being called out as good, what a beautiful gift you have to be able to correctly know what is truly good and to have a conscience that is not easily swayed.

May we listen to that still small voice and turn away from bad and wrong. Let us desire to do good and be blessed.

When God blesses you He blesses many. Think back to a blessing received and count how many more were blessed by it or by you?

To be brought low is a place that no one desires to be in because it makes us believe that we are not good or that we failed. In reality if you look at it through God‘s eyes, it’s a way of growing and learning something new and different. Then we can see the value of that lesson that we needed to learn.

My example. 1st time I visited a food bank
I never gave much thought to the needs which Food Banks serve. Now that I have been there I got to see faces and people that are in need, REAL faces with real needs!
My lesson learned; that I need to grow so much more in having and showing compassion. I believe this is an area where we all need more growth! The world and our loved ones need people that have a heart of compassion (showing true concern for the sufferings or misfortunes of others).

We all can do more in small ways. Think about how and where you can be a hand, a foot or have the words to strengthen another.

When you see people at the parks recycling cans and picking up bottles or see them with the shopping cart going from trash can to trash can picking up recyclables, ask yourself (be honest).

Do you pray for them?
Do you look down on them?
Do you just overlook them?

Their reality is, that they are legally finding ways to meet their needs. Too many times we overlook them with pity.

Now tell me who is really the poor one?

When you say that you want to be more like Jesus and ask God to "strip away all that hinders His call upon your life" do you really mean it?

They themselves will be wealthy,
    and their good deeds will last forever.
Light shines in the darkness for the godly.
    They are generous, compassionate, and righteous.
Good comes to those who lend money generously
    and conduct their business fairly.
Such people will not be overcome by evil.
    Those who are righteous will be long remembered.
They do not fear bad news;
    they confidently trust the Lord to care for them.
They are confident and fearless
    and can face their foes triumphantly.
They share freely and give generously to those in need.
    Their good deeds will be remembered forever.
    They will have influence and honor.
          Psalm 112:3-9 New Living Translation


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