Paying Attention to Scripture

2 Peter 1:12-15
"Therefore, I will always remind you about these things—even though you already know them and are standing firm in the truth you have been taught. And it is only right that I should keep on reminding you as long as I live. For our Lord Jesus Christ has shown me that I must soon leave this earthly life, so I will work hard to make sure you always remember these things after I am gone."

Just as coaches constantly review the basics with their teams and good athletes execute the fundamentals, we must not neglect the basics of our faith.

You and I as athletes in this race, need to constantly practice and remind ourselves of the fundamentals of our faith and how we came to believe.

Don't allow yourself to become bored or impatient with messages on the basics of the Christian life.

Rather, let us adopt the attitude of an athlete who continues to practice and refine the basics while learning more advanced skills.


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