Be Thankful - Isaiah 53:3

This Thanksgiving holiday as we get together with friends and family let us be grateful for what we have through the life of Jesus of Nazareth. 

Throughout the world many will be grateful for their families, their jobs, their position, their education and etc. 
But how many will share their thankfulness for what was done for them? Many can not see or understand this beautiful work, but if you do, be grateful this holiday for that. 

Many will prepare to return to church and make ready to celebrate Christmas (the birth of a savior) not knowing the Savior. It will all just be a traditional religious celebration, without knowing the true work that was done for them.

Be challenged to read, meditate and then share the scripture below. Give time to think about the words underlined and what it means to you. 
Use your own meaning to these words and allow the Holy Spirit to quietly speak to your heart.

Much has not changed over these 2,019 years since the death of Jesus of Nazareth; many still despise, reject and do not care. 

Allow this message to touch your heart towards others who are in desperate need of a savior and just do not see or understand that need. The work at Calvary has been finished. Sins are forgiven and the captive has been set freed. 

Isaiah 53:3
He was despised and rejected a man of sorrows, acquainted with deepest grief.

We turned our backs on him and looked the other way.
He was despised, and we did not care.

  • not liked 
  • not cared about
  • disliked 
  • hated

  • alone
  • not cared about

Of Sorrows 
  • known affliction
  • betrayal
  • pain
  • rejection
  • disease
  • being hated without reason
  • loss of loved ones
  • torturous death (beyond pain & beyond natural) 

Acquainted with bitterest of grief 
  • experienced being alone 
  • not understood or comforted
  • being hunted & targeted without cause (like David when running from Saul - no peace)
  • violent hatred
  • carrying the burdens of seeing the wickedness of people
  • knowing that the end will result in much agony & rejection by many who need to find peace and forgiveness but will rather reject all that He came to do just for them 


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