Prepare Our Hearts

2020 National Day of Prayer 
Thursday, 5/7/2020

Let us prepare our hearts, mind and spirit as we come together as a Nation and as the body of Christ for prayer.

  The Scripture and theme    
      Habakkuk 2:14 

"For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the LORD as the waters cover the sea."
God made a promise to the prophet Habakkuk during some very deep and troubling times in Israel’s history. It was a time marked by darkness and disobedience from the culture and God’s people. The prophet cries out to God for hope and help and God answers in a most unexpected way; to use a wicked, idol-worshipping nation’s army to come and execute His judgement on His people. Habakkuk could not believe what he was hearing as God began to detail the “woes” that would come to pass, but in the middle of the pronouncement of woes God pauses to make a profound promise that would eventually be seen in the face of Jesus Christ and spread by Christ-followers until Christ returns.   Kathy Branzell
Thursday, 5/7/2020  -  Please remember:
·         Prodigals
·         Prisoners                                            
·         Lost
·         Elderly
·         Communities
·         Officials
·         Schools/colleges/students
·         Businesses
·         Neighbors
·         Peace
·         Jesus to be made known throughout the lands
·         Outpouring of the Holy Spirit throughout the world
·         Men & Women in uniforms
·         Police
·         Military
·         Doctors/nurses
·         Fire fighters / EMT
·         Parents        
·         Governments
·         Revival – In the hearts of Believers, upon the land              worldwide, hearts of non-Believers.
·         Healing – Broken lives, harden hearts and unforgiveness
·         This generation and those to come 


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