38 Minutes - "Glimpse Of Heaven"

 When you go to prayer and allow yourself to come before the wonderful Presence of God, you shall get a glimpse of Heaven. 

In Your Presence 

I can abandon myself

I can be free from not having to care about anything

Like a child, I wholly rely on you for everything.

I am not concern about the "now"

I am totally free from "myself" 

When I am in Your Presence.

"Thou wilt shew me the path of life; In thy Presence is fulness of joy; At thy right hand there are pleasure for evermore"  psalm 16:11

"Go in peace, the Presence of the Lord be with you on your way"  judges 18:6

"Thou shall hide them in the secret place of Your Presence from the pride of man; Thou shall keep them secretly in a pavilion from the strife of tongues" psalm 31:20

Have you had your Glimpse Of Heaven today

If not, please do not delay.. come, see and taste that the Lord is good.....

2/8/2021 - Today's Glimpse Of Heaven for me.

I learned that I am angry. I knew there was something wrong in my spirit but did not know what, until I came into the Presence of the Lord. I am angry with the Covid 19 pandemic... angry with all its pain, suffering, death and challenges that has turned our world upside down.

Then so gently, the Lord reminded me, that He is at work in the hearts of the just and unjust. Even in this, God knows exactly what He is doing. 

That was so comforting to me and it realigned my heart with His.

Won't you please share "Your Glimpse Of Heaven" for today?


  1. Thank You for your words of encouragement, and insight into this crazy time we are living in. Please continue to write and share, for to much is given.....


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