Let Faith Have It’s Way

 Ephesians 3:14 through 16 reminds us of the Spirit that lives in the heart of the believer, is the same Spirit with the same power that raised Jesus from the dead!

You and I as believers, tend to forget that we have that “resource” & “power” to run this race with joy! 

At times, with our busy schedule and the challenges of life, we tend to forget that Jesus left us “the Holy Spirit”. 

The Holy Spirit who is not only a teacher, but is also the “power” to help you overcome whatever trial, whatever addiction, whatever brokenness or illness is in your mist today.

Remember that Jesus told us “in this world you will have much tribulation, but be of good cheer.”

Jesus knew that He would not leave you abandoned nor powerless, but “empowered."

God, has given us the privilege, the resource and the ability to do His work here on earth. He will give you abundantly and exceedingly above all that you can ask. 

So yes, "you can” walk in His ways and yes "you can” live this life with unspeakable joy during the difficult times that you will face. The question you need to ask today, is do you have faith?

Do you have the faith to speak to that mountain in your life? It may be an illness, a temptation, an addiction, a difficult struggle, a hindrance or a broken relationship. Whatever your mountain may be, do you have the faith to speak to it and tell it to be moved?

God is willing to move anything that hinders His people! Do you have the faith to ask and believe?

Ephesians 3:14-16  (Paul's Prayer To The Brethren)

“When I think of all this, I fall to my knees and pray to the Father, the creator of everything in heaven and on this earth. I pray that from His glorious unlimited resources He will empower you with inner strength through His Spirit”

Let this be your prayer today...



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