Our God Is An Awesome God

Aww, thank you so much for your prayers! I am amazed as I look back on the last 8 months that I spent with Alice. She was hospitalized in March with pneumonia & after weeks of tests, she learned that she had kidney failure, blood infection & liver failure. Years of addiction had caught up & now she had to be still. God is amazing and knew how to draw her back. By July she began to understand & accept that her days were short. She wanted a Bible & was praying. God gave her another gift…. reconciliation with her daughters & family. By September, it was obvious that she wasn’t getting better. She loves Halloween (that’s her favorite holiday)…. She knew that while in the nursing home she was only surviving & made the decision to go home to celebrate Halloween. Her daughter & I had a great time with her! I haven’t been trick or treating in a long time! She struggled with lots of pain, getting around in a wheelchair & the small thing...