Our God Is An Awesome God
Aww, thank you so much for your prayers!

I am amazed as I look back on the last 8 months that I spent with Alice.
She was hospitalized in March with pneumonia & after weeks of tests, she learned that she had kidney failure, blood infection & liver failure.
Years of addiction had caught up & now she had to be still.
God is amazing and knew how to draw her back.
By July she began to understand & accept that her days were short. She wanted a Bible & was praying.
God gave her another gift…. reconciliation with her daughters & family.
By September, it was obvious that she wasn’t getting better. She loves Halloween (that’s her favorite holiday)….
She knew that while in the nursing home she was only surviving & made the decision to go home to celebrate Halloween.
I haven’t been trick or treating in a long time!
She struggled with lots of pain, getting around in a wheelchair & the small things like going to the bathroom, showering, etc.
After 3 weeks, her body was tired.
Truly God’s handiwork was evident in her last days… restoration, forgiveness and peace.
Our God is an awesome God…
All glory, honor & praise is His alone!
Let us celebrate the glorious work that God has done in restoring our souls and bringing us into His marvelous light.
“Truly to be absent from the body, is to be present with the Lord” 2 Corinthians 5:8
My tears are of joy!
For Alice is no longer in pain nor bound in addiction.
My heart aches but my spirit soars… knowing that God was merciful & that Alice (like the prodigal son) went home into the arms of the Father.
One day you will meet her and you will get a kick, of how crazy & loving she is… but it will be her testimony that will blow you away!
Our God is an awesome God!

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